How accurate list of google adsense latest through a blog immediately accepted - blog is a place to create or write an article that describes all about personal experiences and all the knowledge that you have, then register it to the search engines like google and bing, for Yahoo now has joined bing.
which aims to blog posts that you create can in the index, after that your articles will appear on both the search engines, and can be read by any visitors when they're looking for information that is needed through the Internet, as a solution to resolve the problems being in the face, that's a glimpse of the blog.
after you finish creating a blog and already contains many articles which have benefits for other people to read, you can take advantage of the potential of a blog that contains the article for you to use as a cash-producing machine for you each month
it was counted as a reward for hard work you are doing at the time of making the blog. by way of online business programs to enroll PPC (pay per click) on google adsense.
in the previous post I've explained about how to register google adsense via youtube clearly and completely, which can be read and directly in practice, that if you intend to earn money through adsense youtube by uploading a video
and now I will explain to you how the latest list of google adsense through blogs immediately accepted (full approve) as a publisher, you just go see my review below in
If you intend to register google adsense through blogs, of course, will have a degree of difficulty higher than at the time you register google adsense through youtube, but it also will be a lot of considerations and factors - factors that can affect, for your blog can be accepted ( full approve) by the google adsense.
because at this time, many of the bloggers - bloggers beginners who have tried to register in google adsense, and end up getting a reply email that the blog is in the register still has not passed the criteria that have been determined by google adsense
it was still mending if you get a reply email rejection, but what if you do not get a reply from adsense at all, to make it clear that you are accepted or not? This also happens to other bloggers.
Your registration will eventually hanged for months without any notice for sure, that's what happened according to what I heard from several communities blogger Indonesia in several social media complained about this, when trying to register a blog that had to google adsense.
nevertheless, there are some bloggers who ultimately received by google adsense and have a different experience upon receipt of the analysis was meant google adsense does not mean that the registration has closed, as the news we hear, but it means google adsense very careful in choosing your blog or website is really high quality
which means that the blog is to provide benefits and solutions for the visitors who are looking for the information they need through the Internet and the most important and should always remember is to never occasionally take blog articles other people to put in your blog, this way Commonly called Copas (copy and paste), because google hates this way, so avoid
therefore, prior to register your blog to google adsense, make sure that the blog is completely ready to be registered and are in accordance with the criteria set by google adsense.
The following is a criterion blog that is completely ready to be registered to google adsense, you must understand.
1 | The blog already has a lot of quality articles and SEO to register google adsense, you must have quality articles on SEO, at least 60 articles, which means that the article has been optimized in accordance SEO (search enggine Optimation) ranging from keyword research, create an article over 1500 words, the placement of keywords in the article, add pictures, and most important are the benefits that can be taken by the reader, after reading the article that you created, automatic visitors will be interested and come back to see your blog about what is the latest article. |
2 | have a minimum of 100 pv blog visitors per day (100 visitors) per day you must have a blog already contains many interesting articles, quality, and also has a lot of visitors, at least 100 pv per day. because google adsense really like blogs that crowded. so that the adsense ads are in pairs in the article has a great opportunity to be seen and read by every visitor who reads your article, there was an automatic ad clicks, this is where the essence of what is actually required by the google adsense in fact, to the bloggers who'm really want to earn money and became its publisher. |
3 | age-old blog at least 6 months after you have a blog that is crowded and already has a lot of interesting and quality article, do not rush to register to google adsense, this is often done by a novice blogger who is very eager to immediately get the money from adsense. in another story there are some bloggers who successfully received and admitted only make 10 articles only, in addition to the blog or website that registered a very young age. herein lies the second mistake that experienced bloggers who fail to register in google adsense. Why ?. because they were lured by the recognition that in say the bloggers who have received adsense with blog very minimal criteria as above. eventually you would be more ambitious and passionate to create a blog and then fill in the article as much blindly without thinking about SEO, that is often done by a novice blogger who failed to register in google adsense. |
4 | a blog contains only one topic of discussion and remain consistent google adsense really like a blog that only discuss one topic and they are interconnected with other articles of the article, but that you have to remain consistent in making the appropriate article topics you specify beforehand until the time you register to google adsense, so the goal is not confused adsense in displaying ads that match the topic of the blog you have, and it is also very influential on whether you are accepted or not as its publisher. example blog topics that lead to the discussion: - The internet and computer learning - The online learning business - A collection of recipes typical of Indonesia. of example blog topics above you and visitors will immediately understand clearly, although not yet set up a blog that discusses one example of these topics, namely on the blog will discuss what and title of any article that is related in the blog, that the criteria of a blog preferred by google adsense. |
5 | you and the blog has been active on several social media This last criterion is the blog or blog you are already active in several social media like google +, facebook, twitter and other social media, as desired, which aims to promote your own blog as a support to increase visitors. so that your blog will be more quickly known by the public and throughout the world. so in this way you do not just rely on engggine engines like google and bing for displaying each of your articles in the search engines, but also take advantage of social media to attract internet users. because the current Internet users tend to be more active on several social media, social media examples that currently has the most users is Facebook, so in this case to utilize a social media, you must be smart in choosing friends or konunitas appropriate community- the topic of blog articles that have, so that your aim to get a lot of visitors are more likely to match the target |
6 | Using a template or blog theme responsive and has a stable loading speed One of the preferred criteria blog google adsense and visitors are Using template or blog theme responsive and has a stable loading speed, why?. Because a responsive template that can adjust automatically when opened in all mobile devices and desktop (PC) mainly concerns will see adsense ads, so the ad remains in a position that has been determined although open on both devices. and the second is the loading speed of a blog, it will greatly affect the visitors who want to open your blog, what if when you open the blog turned out to the desired page visitor to read does not go to show that page. Your visitors will automatically switch directly to a blog or other website and will not be back again, in this case your own or google adsense, which both want to capture internet users, of course, do not want this sort of thing could happen. |
once you understand the criteria blog on google adsense prefer, in fact in all of us, especially the bloggers that are difficult to get approve from google adsense already know and understand about blogs is how, what, and how to create a quality article.
we just do not realize it, do you believe? Now this, for example you are looking for information that is needed through the Internet such as Google, for example you're looking for:
"How to register google adsense via youtube".
after that google search will show you a lot of options pages on keywords that you have typed, well here surely you already know and will choose the following title contents of the article were good and quality for you to find a "way register google adsense through youtube" which outlines article the complete and clear.
once you'll feel satisfied after reading the article and finally get a solution about what you are looking for.
from the example above, without realizing you already know about how, what kind of article, and how to create a blog that is really good and quality, so that google adsense can accept you as a publisher and visitors will be satisfied after reading the article that you created.
after you apply all the way that I described above and has managed to create a blog in accordance with the criteria in like google adsense and visitors, this is the time you register the blog to google adsense.
For how this latest list of google adsense, there are several ways you can do, go see review below.
> Register google adsense directly via blog
which dimaksut with your google adsense directly through the blog here is for those who have made a blog using blogspot blogger that can be made for free, and free hosting for life, as long as you follow the rules and do not violate applicable regulations, and this is one product from Google inc.
blogspot this is the place to create a blog for free, after filling the blog with articles of interest, and there is also available a special menu, where the google adsense registration, the registration menu can be used after a blog that has been made has been qualified and criteria desired by google adsense, as I mentioned above, a very complete website right?.
so here's what dimaksut doing google adsense register directly through the blog is from blogspot address at blogger .com.
No need to know that, before you register your blog to google adsense through blogspot at this blogger, usually google adsense registration menu does not appear, well here you have the task of displaying the menu in advance, how? simply follow the instructions below
1 | first of all get to the page blogger you have, type in http://www. blogger .com. |
2 | once open, select the menu "settings". |
3 | there will be some menu, then select "Language and formatting" , after setting the language to "engglish (united kingdom) as shown below.![]() |
4 | and do not forget to click "save settings" , the next step is a browser refresh (reload). |
5 | after you refresh the browser, you'll see nothing different on the menu at the blogger who previously did not exist, the menu "income" in the menu that is where you are to do your google adsense directly through the blog, it looks like this. ![]() maksutnya is automatically lit when the blog that will register already passed the criteria that have been determined the google adsense, that's the difference. |
6 | the next step click on the link "how to qualify google adsense" and will open a new page that Google AdSense provides guidance on the requirements and criteria of blogs that are not eligible to register to read first. |
7 | after you finish reading the terms and conditions provided google adsense, you just click the "Sign up for adsense". |
8 | and will open a display like this. ![]() |
9 | on the next step, you must enter the name of your blog or website will be listed, for example: http: //www.nama after filling all the data according to the information about yourself, which aims to google adsense not wrong in sending payment PIN at the address you have specified above, at the time of your blog is to make money and reach the payment threshold. - To fill in all the information data about yourself, the same way as at the time of registration via youtube google adsense, which I described in full, you can read in my previous post. |
10 | After you finish filling all of the information data blog and your identity, google adsense will immediately send messages via email, so you put adsense ads into blog posts you have, so that the Adsense can do a review of whether the blog you submitted is in conformity with the criteria is determined by google adsense. then you just wait for the decision of whether you are accepted or not to be the publisher, to the way advertising adsense, you can read the article below, because it would be too long later, so I decided to make one. |
so that's how the latest google adsense register now through blogs and insyalloh be immediately accepted if you've done all the way that I described above.
after you sign in with a free blog at blogspot and successfully accepted into google adsense publisher, you will get the status of an account google adsense host, which means adsense ads can only be installed in blogspot and youtube it, because it is basically a google adsense account has 2 types:
1. The host google adsense account (which is now you get to use blogspot domain).
2. The non-host google adsense account.
you will get the status of non-hosted account, if at the time of registering a blog or website that you have, is already using the blog berdomain TLD (top level domains) such as:
- .com
- .net
- .org And others.
once you have a non-host google adsense account, adsense ads you can plug in blogspot, youtube, or blog you already berdomain TLD, so you'll earn from these three platforms, so that your income will be more numerous and increasing.
> How do I get a google adsense account non-host?
if you already have an account with google adsense host, that you have got either through blogspot and youtube, you just upgrade to get the adsense account adsense account dhasboard non hosted through google adsense pages you have, to do the following
once you get adsense account through a blog hosted at blogspot and want to upgrade into a non-host adsense account.
- The first step you should do is change the blogspot domain to domain TLD (top level domain) in advance, to how you can read my previous post, or just click the link that has been provided.
- After you successfully change to the blogspot domain TLD (top level domain), the next step is:
1 | go to google adsense dashboard page that you have. |
2 | once open, click on the gear icon located on the right side of the page dhasboard adsense. |
3 | select "settings". |
4 | then select the menu "Access and authorization" This menu is the place to apply for an account upgrade your host into account non-host. |
5 | enter the name of the blog that you have to turn into a blog on blogspot TLD domain than before. For example: enter the column that has been provided that "I will show ads on" , like this. ![]() |
6 | the final step click "send". after that the google adsense will immediately send a notification, which contains, you in order advertisements to be placed in the blog article or through widgets that already want to turn into the domain TLD, to request upgrades adsense account host to adsense account non host already you did before. the aim is to google adsense can review, if your blog is eligible and the criteria as determined by google adsense, to be accepted as a publisher. |
> How to take the google adsense ads and put them in the template and through the blog articles widget
1 | first entry into the dashboard page of Google Adsense you have. |
2 | click on the menu "my ads". ![]() |
3 | after open click on the button "+ New ad unit" to begin creating your ad and it looks like this. ![]() for how to create and take advertising, do exactly as shown above, and the explanation like this. - Choose the type of ad vertical banner, which have a size of 160 × 600 ad, this ad has an elongated shape to the bottom. - Then name the ad 160 × 600 ads. - The setting of advertising that displays text and images. |
4 | after all done click on "save and get code" to get the ad code, which you should take with a way to copy and store all the code, then place it into a blog article that you have, I suggest to put the ad code through the widget alone , |
> How to install the google adsense ad code, via a widget on blogspot
1 | The first step, go to page dhasboard in blogger you have. |
2 | then select the menu "layout" and it will open a page like this. ![]() |
3 | you just click on the "add gadgets". then select "html java script" and will open a page like this. ![]() |
4 | Then, enter the code adsense ads measuring 160 × 600 that you have created and you saved previously, as seen in the image above. |
5 | the last step, click "save". |
6 | completed . until you have completed the task here, after that you have to wait the results of a review conducted by google adsense, if your upgrade request is accepted or not, for the duration of the current review can not be predicted, the longest is 2-3 weeks. |
because right now google adsense very careful in choosing a blog or website that really have the quality in the sense that can provide benefits and solutions for the users, and most importantly, your blog is not the result of copy and paste from other blogs you have to keep remembering that.
but if you follow all the way that I described above regarding the criteria blog like google adsense, insyaalloh you will not wait long review and immediately accepted in the near future, amen.
why I can have the confidence that you will be automatically accepted?
because it is my own experience and struggle in getting a google adsense account for this.
Thus this article about How to register google adsense immediately accepted the latest through a blog, which I cover in full, thank you for visiting and good luck.