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is it okay to Run Adsense on Video Blog from Youtube?

"Can we put adsense ads on blogs?"  Probably almost similar to the blog wallpaper concept, it's just a video of all the content (eg embed from Youtube, Vimeo, Metacafe, Yahoo Screen and others )? "

And here's answer 

First of all,  though the above questions include Vimeo, Metacafe and Yahoo Screen, but I will only focus on Youtube. Not only is it the most popular bloggers, but I also have other video hosting providers. Because basically, their ToS is not much different.

If I load, the above questions are:

Does Google allow us to create blogs with embedded Youtube videos, and monetize them using Google Adsense or other ads-networks?

I have done a little research to answer this question.

First of all, if that is a Youtube video embedded in the blog, it is not a work of our own, then I can say that it is unethical. Why? Because we do not have the right to use someone else's video commercially (for material gain).

Yes, Youtube allows anyone to embed their videos on any website, even Youtube provides the complete option to do so. However, that does not mean Youtube allows you to monetize the video outside Youtube.

Let's look at Youtube's policy in this case:

You agree not to use the Service for any of the following commercial uses unless you obtain YouTube’s prior written approval:

1. the sale of access to the Service;
2. the sale of advertising, sponsorships, or promotions placed on or within the Service or Content; or
3. the sale of advertising, sponsorships, or promotions on any page of an ad-enabled blog or website containing Content delivered via the Service, unless other material not obtained from YouTube appears on the same page and is of sufficient value to be the basis for such sales.

From here, it is clear that we should not use Google Adsense or any other advertising program on blog pages that contain Youtube videos, UNLESS the page has another VERY CONTENT. You can not rely solely on Youtube videos as the only content to monetize.

How about the Adsense policy side?

Adsense Policy does not mention anything directly related to the monetization of Youtube videos. However, a policy on copyright can be a foothold.

And this is the sound of Adsense policy on copyright:

AdSense publishers may not display Google ads on web pages with content protected by copyright law, unless the publisher has the necessary legal rights to display that content.

This includes sites that display copyrighted material, sites hosting for copyrighted files, or sites that provide links to drive traffic to sites that contain copyrighted material.

So if you are displaying Adsense on a page containing an embedded Youtube video, then first you must make sure the video itself does not violate the copyright policy of Adsense.

Yes, it's very likely that someone posted a video that infringes someone else's copyright. But this can hardly be the reason you can follow or do not know about this copyright policy.

And based on Adsense policy, if you put Adsense on the page with copyrighted video, then Adsense account is very risky breaking and ending banned.


Based on the Youtube policy, you may use Adsense or any other advertising program on your blog, if the page has other text content in addition.

Creating a blog running ads and containing only Youtube videos embedded in it is a violation of the Youtube policy.

In other words, if you have other valuable content, and embedded videos from Youtube just as a complement to the content, then you can put an ad in it. Embedding the video itself is not an offense.

To make it easier, before you place Adsense ads on your video blog, ask yourself:

Can you install Adsense ads without having an embedded video from Youtube? If the answer is yes, then you may use Adsense on that page with videos from Youtube.

 must read:  9 Tips Most accurate Finding Youtube Videos Quickly and Exactly with Ease

Well, hopefully this answer can answer your doubts, especially for the questioner about whether to run Adsense on a video blog from Youtube.

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